Instander apk 18.1

Solution of white screen of Instander during logging

If you want to scroll and enjoy your favorite content, there is a white blank screen. But if follow the given steps then you can resolve this issue without facing any frustrations.

Process to get rid of the white screen while logging in

There is a complete tutorial that you can follow and enjoy your favorite content without facing a blank screen.

Step 1. Go to the settings

Move to the settings of your device and here you will find the maximum option to customize the installed applications.

Step 2. Tap on the app section

Now, move downward; here you will find an option for applications of App. click the option and a list of all the apps will appear.

Step 3. Search the Google Play service

Now, navigate to the Google Play Service because it helps you solve many issues by clearing data.

Step 4. Delete the data

Go to the settings of the Google Play Service and click on the clear cache and data option. Now, select the Clear Data option and be relaxed because it is just resetting the Google Play service, and your device and application data will remain saved.

Step 5. Move to the Recent apps

After that, wait for a while and make sure that all the changes are saved on your device. Now, if you are already using the Instander app, then remove it from the recent apps section.

Step 6. Login the Instander app

Now, open the Instander app and try to log in again without facing any blank screen issue.

Instander apk 18.1

Additional tips and tricks to use the Instander application

If you want to enjoy the Instander app without facing any issues and enjoy your favorite content smoothly, then follow the given steps:

1. Be updated

Make sure that you are using the latest and updated version of Instander app. You can also resolve issues by just updating the Instander app according to your Android device version. So, move to the official source and check the updated version of the Instander app.

2. Ensure a strong Internet connection

If you want to enjoy Instander content without facing any lagging issues, then ensure that your device is connected to a strong internet connection. Try to change the mobile connection to a WiFi or to any other device and then try to use the Instander app.

3. Try to restart your mobile phone

If you are facing the same issues after following the above process, then restart your mobile phone and then reopen your Instander app again. Now, you will never face any issues and spend your leisure time without being annoying.


In short, if you follow the above steps, then you can easily enjoy the Instander app without facing the blank screen. It is a secure method that resolves your issues within a few seconds and if you are facing any technical issues, then feel free to ask the Instander team. Take a screenshot and also share with the support team and enjoy the Instagram reels smoothly.

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